We are gathered here to unite these two people in holy wedlock.

Who gives this woman to be married?

Escort:  I do.

If any person here has knowledge why these two people should not be joined as husband and wife, let them speak now or forever remain silent.

Please face each other, joining right hands as a symbol of your union.

Groom, now take this woman, whose hand you hold to be your lawful wedded wife, hereby engaging to love, cherish and protect her, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all other women, you will provide for and support her in all things as the ordinance of God commands and the laws of the state require, as long as you both shall live.  Do you thus covenant and agree?

Groom:  I do.

Bride, now take this man, whose hand you hold to be your lawful wedded husband, hereby engaging to love, cherish and protect him, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all other men, you will provide for and support him in all things as the ordinance of God commands and the laws of the state require, so long as you both shall live.  Do you covenant and agree?

Bride:  I do.

From the Book of Ruth,  Chapter 4, Verse 7

We hear the story of how the ancient confirmed or testified to a verbal contract or agreement.  It says that, it was the manner in former times, concerning redeeming and changing, that to confirm all things a man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor and that was his testimony.

In olden times, we often saw two people shake hands in confirmation of an agreement and this was their testimony.

In these times, to confirm the love we have for one another during the marriage ceremony, we give and receive rings as a token.

Groom, will you place her ring, the symbol of your love, upon the left hand of your future wife, and repeat after me:

With this ring, I thee wed.

Bride, will you place his ring, the symbol of your love, upon the left hand of your future husband, and repeat after me:

With this ring, I thee wed.

Optional: (One of these unification ceremonies listed below may be included in your regular ceremony at no extra charge. Two or more unification ceremonies are an additional charge).

Therefore, by virute of the authority vested in me by the state of Michigan, and in the presence of these witnesses, I pronounce you husband and wife.  What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.

You may seal your promises with a kiss.

Unification Ceremonies: 

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